Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Saturday Stories at MCDA

The space at MCDA

...our story table...

...and our activities!

Once Upon a Spring... Saturday Stories!

Earth awakes again... everything as started to shine... flowers and bees... birds and trees!

“We do our children a service whenever we turn their attention to natural things - stones, grasses and flowers, trees and animals - or find creative and attractive ways to bring Nature into our homes and classroom.(…) Developing a close relationship with nature in these ways promotes not only the health of our children but the health of the planet as well. ”
In Earthwise- Environmental Crafts and activities with young children, Carol Petrash

We bring you another activity of our cycle “Once upon a Spring…”. From April to June, we will bring children together to celebrate the awakening of Nature from the cold days of Winter.

We are welcoming children from 3 to 6 years old to join us for some storytelling and environmental crafts and activities. We believe that by promoting a familiar environment, with a clear routine and space for free playing, young children can easily develop their own imaginational world and grow healthier from within.


•Every Saturday from 15:00 to 17:30, from April 28 to June 2nd (6 sessions)

To whom?
•English speaking children from 3 to 6 years old
•minimum - 5 participants/ maximum - 10 participants

•At MCDA – Macau Child Development Association
Address: Rua de Braganca, 47 “L”, Edificio Mei Tou Kok – Block 7, R/C (BE), Taipa, Macau
Telephone: (853) 28833024

How to register?

•We will have discounts for MCDA members and for participants applying for all sessions

MCDA members:
 1 session –70MOP
 6 sessions – 360MOP

Non members:
 1 session – 80MOP;
 6 sessions – 420MOP;

• You can apply for the registration form at the MCDA center or send us an email to

• For more informations you can contact us at 28950449 or 66586864.